Sansevieria Hahnii Jade is a species of genus sansevieria categorized under plants family asparagaceae, native to southern asia. It is evergreen herbaceous perennial plant commonly known by several names such as mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue etc.
Snakeplant Jade Care
Sansevieria Hahnii Jade

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How to Care for the Plant
Water consistently, letting plants dry out in between waterings. Very tolerant of dry conditions. It's hard to kill these wonders, these plants are very forgiving for missed waterings.
Early spring is a good time to prune your Jade plants (Crassula Ovata). Prune them back before they start their growing cycle. They are sturdy so you can prune them back heavily and even make them look like a bonsai tree.
The snake plant doesn't need a lot of fertilization, but it will boost the plants' growth if you fertilize them during the growing season. Use a balanced 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer every 4-6 weeks for ideal growth. It is recommended to dose half of full strength to avoid overfertilization.
What temperature can snake plants tolerate? The snake plant is a sturdy plant that can tolerate a wide range of temperature levels. Anything between 55 – 85℉ is suitable for them.
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