Philodendron Prince of Orange (Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’) doesn’t have a trailing or climbing habit like other types of philodendrons. It grows into an upright form, which shows off its multicolored foliage, which features brilliant shades of orange, chartreuse and green.
Orange Prince Care
Philodendron Prince

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How to Care for the Plant
Water thoroughly, then allow surface to dry out before watering again. Water sparingly in winter, when growth is slower, but don't allow potting medium to dry out. Yellow leaves are often caused by over-watering.
Prince of Orange is a light feeder, requiring little fertilizer; in fact, Clemson Cooperative Extension cautions that its leaf tips and margins may curl or turn brown if you over-fertilize this plant. Plant Lust recommends using a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer or organic equivalent that's 5-5-5 or lower.
Prince of Orange love to lean towards the light, so rotating will help it stay full on all sides. Philodendrons prefer soil that is consistently slightly moist, especially if you want them to grow big leaves. As epiphytes with aerial roots, they are sensitive to overwatering, so they don't want to sit in soggy soil.
Philodendron “Prince of Orange” care involves providing plenty of warmth being a tropical plant. The best growth can be seen in equatorial weather zones. The ideal temperature range is between 65 – 80°F (18 – 27°C). If the temperature gets warmer just place the plant in filtered light and hydrate sufficiently.
Philodendron "Prince of Orange" can be toxic if ingested. Keep the plant out of reach of pets or children who may eat the leaves.
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