Travellers tree, with its unique foliage and shape, will be an exciting find to any gardener. Moreover, these beautiful plants are easy to care for, meaning they are accessible to all levels of gardeners.
Traveller's Palm Care
Ravenala madagascariensis

Traveller's trees, also known as the East-West Palm, are plants native to Madagascar. Noted and desired for their unusual shape, these plants are part of the Strelitziaceae family. Ravenala madagascariensis can be identified by the large foliage that sticks upwards like a fan. They have broad green leaves that grow from green stalks that stem from the center of the plant.
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How to Care for the Plant
Watering this greenie is relatively easy. If the soil is dry, keep pouring until drainage can be seen.
Remove any unhealthy-looking and dead leaves or stalks. Some pruning can keep your tree in best shape!
These green friends don't need fertilizer. If there you would still like to give your Palm a little boost, feed it once a growing season.
Ravenala prefers direct and full sunlight. If you're growing it indoors, it should be placed next to a south-facing window. When your tree is young, consider protecting it from harsh sun in order to avoid suburn.
A general potting mix should be fine for your Palm. However, it's best to ensure the soil is loamy and organic-rich.
To propagate these treas, you simply need to remove the suckers around the tree's base. Plant them in their own pot, and you should have a new green pet in no time.
Try to keep your Traveller's Palm around room temperature. Remember that cold and freezing temperatures are not healthy for this green buddy.
The actual size of the container will depend on the size of your plant. As a general rule, try to get a container with two extra inches (5 cm) between the plant's roots and the container sides. Drainage is important, too, so ensure there are holes in the pot. This way, your leafy friend doesn't get too wet.
Fun fact
This is not a genuine palm, so don't let appearances fool you! Ravenala madagascariensis is a part of the Strelitziaceae family.
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