Rio Grande is a medium, deciduous tree, reaching 30 feet in spread at maturity. It’s form is a pyramidal shape when young, spreading and more open when mature. It bears succulent, pinnate, dark green leaves turning golden-yellow in the fall. Leaves are larger than Modesto, with up to 3 to 7 lance-shaped, tapered, leaflets. Female and male flowers on separate trees are insignificant, produces no fruit. The foliage is resistant to wind burn and withstands hot dry conditions and cold down to -10 degrees F. Will tolerate alkaline soils
Arizona Ash Care
Fraxinus Velutina

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How to Care for the Plant
As a rule of thumb, throughout the spring and summer growing seasons, the soil around the tree should be moist, but not soaking wet. For droughts lasting two weeks or more, saturate the soil around the tree from the trunk to the edge of the canopy once a week.
The fan-tex ash tree will grow into an attractive canopy without shaping. Prune dead, broken and diseased branches whenever you see them on the tree, making a straight cut with pruning shears right outside the raised branch collar.
One of the best aspects of this ash tree cultivar is that it creates a lush canopy in adverse conditions. As a result, even fan-tex trees in rocky nutrient-deficient soils will survive. However, to ensure lush new growth in the spring, you can apply an 10-10-10 fertilizer. Evenly sprinkle one-half cup on the soil under the tree's canopy, keeping it at least 6 inches away from the trunk. Give the tree a good watering after fertilization.
The fan-tex ash tree requires full sun.
It can thrive in almost any type of soil, as long as it is well-drained
to wind burn and withstands hot dry conditions and cold down to -10 degrees F.
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