Begonia 'Silver Limbo' is a lovely small leaved rex begonia cultivar. The leaves are metallic silver on the top and blood red on the bottom. The leaf shape is more narrow and forms a long point. It has a compact growth habit
Begonia Silver Limbo Care
Begonia Sp.

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering should be done directly in the pot, or from the bottom-up.
Rex Begonias aren't heavy feeders, so you can fertilize them as little as once or twice a year. But if you want faster growth, fertilize them more frequently with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer (following the directions on the packaging).
Moderate to bright indirect light.
Ideal daytime temperatures are around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, nighttime temperatures around 60 degrees, and a constant humidity level around 50 percent. Provide the plant with plenty of bright indirect sun, but keep it out of direct sunlight.
This plant is moderately poisonous. All begonias contain insoluble oxalates and should be kept away from pets and children.
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