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White color is a great way to enhance and enlarge any space. Plants that bloom white bring out the rich dark-green or violetish hues of the leaves of the neighboring plants. They immediately brighten up an interior with a feeling of grace, purity, youthful joy, and harmony. Consider this list of houseplants that produce various types of white flowers and get inspired by ideas of contrasts in your home.
Peace Lily
Peace lily is a classic. It manifests elegance through its combination of long, oval, dark-green leaves with boat-like white flowers with yellow center. In the case of a Peace lily, purity is not just a visual; this plant is an excellent air purifier. It is important to provide moderate light for this tropical beauty. Medium to high humidity will help you in trying to mimic its natural habitat. Peace lily enjoys regular misting of their leaves.
The white variegated Amaryllis plant, called White Nymph, is another houseplant with lovely white blooms. With the proper care, it will bloom naturally in March, April, and May. If you want to get the plant to produce its beautiful white flowers for the winter holidays, deadhead the spring flowers move the plant to a cooler, drier location in early fall. Stop watering the plant about 10 weeks before the desired flowering time. Resume watering when a flower stalk appears.
Baby toes
This succulent is quite famous for its attractive appearance year-round. It is a low-maintenance windowsill plant with juicy, succulent leaves that resemble, well, baby's toes! In the spring and fall, Fenestraria rhopalophylla produces small white flowers, that also look unforgettable. Remember that you need to put your Baby toes succulent on the sunniest window for healthy plant growth.
Gardenia is among the most graceful yet demanding plants with white flowers that you can grow at home. It has fragrant creamy-white flowers contrasting with dark green waxy leaves, giving it a very recognizable appearance. Gardenia is somewhat fussy but is well worth a bit of extra attention. This plant prefers a light shade or morning light. Fine drainage is important, especially because this is a moisture-loving plant. Pruning the flower heads will help ensure continuous flowering.
Inch Plant
The Inch plant attracts attention with its low care requirements. The purple and white flowers are spiky yet delicate. Provide it with bright indirect sunlight, and don't let the Inch plant bone-dry. The cultivar itself is not particularly long-lived, and flowering is not a guarantee. But since a Wandering Jew plant is very popular and easy to care for and propagate, you have a chance.
Stephanotis, which is also known as a Madagascar jasmine, blooms all year long, and its blossom resembles white lilies flowers. Pruning the flower heads stimulates the plant to propagate and prolongs the flowering phase. It is best to let this plant rest after its white flowers on vines have wilted. After that, it goes into a dormant state and does best in a cool, well-lit place.
Moth Orchid
The variegated Moth orchid produces beautiful white flowers. The plant itself has aerial roots that can acquire a silvery patina if cared for properly. This requires a bark-based potting mix for good aeration and drainage., Also, the flower may need some support equipment, like a bamboo stalk. The moth orchid usually struggles with blooming and reblooming in low-light conditions. Hygienic pruning will be helpful in producing new flowers. Overfeeding this plant may redirect its energy into leaf growth rather than flower growth, so keep an eye on it.
Begonia semperflorens
This variety of Begonia will win your heart as soon as you see its tiny white flowers. Contrasting with the lush dark foliage, the flowers themselves are barely the size of a thumbnail, but they grow in cute fluffy clusters, which is why this plant is much loved for its ornamental appearance. Talking about basic care tips, you need to keep the soil evenly moist and feed your Begonia every two weeks during the active growth period.
Purple Oxalis
Purple Oxalis is fairly easy to care for houseplant and pleases its owners with lush, fabulous foliage and little white flowers. Depending on the variegation, Oxalis may cover its leaves and flowers in the nighttime. This plant is somewhat susceptible to root rot, so try not to overwater it. During the blooming season, the green pet will appreciate a little fertilizer.
This list of houseplants with white flowers can go on and on because our love for white blooms is endless. We hope that you will adore all of these beautiful plants too, and can choose your new white friend or learn more about your beloved friend.