The species is characterized by its long, glossy petioles with the unsheathed portion being moderately elongate. Herb, 50-75(120) cm tall; sap moderately foul-smelling; stems erect or partially reclining; inter-nodes 0.7-1.5 cm long, 1.5-2.5(4.0) cm diam., glossy to semiglossy, dark green to medium green, smooth, drying dark brown to light yellow-brown matte, moderately smooth; petiole scars 4-5 mm thick. Leaves erect-spreading, clustered at apex of stem; petioles 13 - 44 cm long (averaging 28.4 cm long), 1-1.5 cm diam. midway, sheathed 0.3-0.76 their length (averaging 0.48), very glossy as if varnished, rarely only semiglossy, dark green, drying orange-brown to blackened; sheath 14-34 cm long (averaging 14.3 cm long), erect to involute, acute and decurrent (but sometimes weakly elevated) at apex.
Dieffenbachia Nitidipetiolata Care
Dieffenbachia Nitidipetiolata

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering is an important part of growing this plant. Water thoroughly and then not again until the surface of the potting medium is dry to the touch. Plants can be rooted and grown in water. Plants grown in soil should not be water logged; the plant will not tolerate constant overwatering
Does not need grooming or pruning! Older leaves will yellow and need removing, but other than that little “grooming” is required.
The easiest way to fertilize a Dieffenbachias is to add a bit of liquid-plant food every other time you water the plants.
Dieffenbachia respond well to hot temperatures and dry climates. Dieffenbachia prefer medium sunlight, moderately dry soil and average home temperatures of 62–80 °F (17–27 °C). Most require water about twice a week.
This requires the plant be planted in larger pots (14” inches or more)
Dieffenbachia plants are known by several common names, such as "dumb cane" and "mother-in-law's tongue," which describe their toxicity when this plant is ingested.
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