These plants are not only for eating as they will give your home a great atmosphere. Celery is also easy and fun to grow.
Celery Care
Apium graveolens

Celery, originating from southern and south-eastern Europe, is part of the Apiaceae family of plants. Apium graveolens can be identified by its light green color, long stock, and delicate leaves that appear on the upper parts of the plant.
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How to Care for the Plant
Celery can get thirsty rather often! It's best to give them just over one inch (2.45 cm) of water a week.
Celeries don't need much haircuts to look lush and pretty, so there is no need to prune this little friend.
A 5-10-10 fertilizer will keep your celery plant happy and growing.
Celery loves full sunlight. If you have a south-facing window, it would be a nice place for this greenie.
This little vegetable friend loves nutritious soil that is relatively loose and does not clump together too much. Celery plants prefer slightly alkaline soil.
Cut the celery and place it in warm water in a glass container. You can place the container in light; you should see the growth within a few days to a week. Following this step, put your new friend in some fresh soil.
Celery prefers temperatures ranging around 68°F(20°C).
A pot with a depth of 8 inches (20 cm) will give you enough space to grow this little green friend. Drainage holes are also important, so make sure the container has some.
Fun fact
Celery served as a reward in the Olympic games in Ancient Greece.
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