Hedera helix, commonly known as English ivy, is a vigorous, aggressive, fast-growing, woody evergreen perennial that is primarily grown as a climbing vine or trailing ground cover. ... As a ground cover, it typically grows to 6-9" tall but spreads over time to 50-100'.
Little Herman Ivy (hedra Helix) Care
Little Herman Ivy

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How to Care for the Plant
Despite hailing from rainy England, English Ivy dislikes soaking wet conditions or being bone dry. You should be aiming for the middle ground by keeping the soil moist. In Winter the soil will naturally stay moist for longer periods so you will need to water less at this time of the year.
Remove the tips of the stems (which also encourage bushiness) and these can be used as stem cuttings.
You don't really need to fertilize ivy more than once or twice a year, but you can get it to grow lusher and faster with more frequent fertilization. Use any houseplant fertilizer and be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.
This Ivy doesn't enjoy very warm temperatures. 10°C - 18°C / 50°F - 65°F is good, warmer than this will cause problems in the long term.
Shipped in 3.5" pot.
The ASPCA indicates that Hedera helix is 100 percent poisonous to cats. Not only is the plant poisonous to felines, but also to canines and horses. The main hazardous components of the plant are its polyacetylene compounds, and also its triterpenoid saponins, which are glycosides.
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