Graptoveria is a hybrid cross that originated from a combination of Echeveria and Graptopetalum succulent plants. Most exhibit a compact rosette 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) Some, such as 'Moonglow,' may reach 10 inches (25 cm.) in width. Offsets develop readily, tightly filling out your display.
Graptoveria “jules” Care
Graptoveria “jules”

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How to Care for the Plant
Water the plants sparingly during the winter.
Graptoveria plants are easy to propagate via seed, leaf cutting or offsets. Each rosette or leaf that breaks off will easily become a new plant.
Fertilize once during the growing season with a balanced plant food diluted to 25% the recommended amount.
Although graptoveria thrives when placed under the full sun, it will also grow and survive in partial sunlight.
Soil is completely dry
Cool temperatures
While some succulents are toxic for your pets, the graptoveria is non-toxic. Even so, it is important to avoid situations where a child or a pet in the house may accidentally swallow some part of the plant.
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