Tibouchina heteromalla reaches an average height of 4–6 feet (1.2–1.8 m), with a maximum of about 8–10 feet (2.4–3.0 m) in its native habitat. The branching stem is woody and the large, silvery green leaves are simple, ovate, velvety in texture, and oppositely arranged. The inflorescence is a panicle of several purple flowers with five petals. The plant has 4–6 inches (10–15 cm) long leaves, with prominent veins that are puffed up in the middle and old leaves will often turn a beautiful orange color just prior to dropping off.
Tibouchina Heteromalla Care
Tibouchina Heteromalla

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep your plant regularly moist during its growing season and throughout the summer—a deep weekly soaking should work fine. You can reduce your watering cadence in the winter months, but you should never let your plant dry out completely.
In the home, the first rule of thumb is to keep your tibouchina closely trimmed by pinching off new growth shoots and gently shaping the plant to contain its sprawling growth. This will likely slow down its growth and reduce the frequency of repotting.
Feed your tibouchina plant during its growing season with liquid fertilizer or a controlled-release fertilizer, used according to label instructions.
Tibouchina prefers bright, filtered sunlight. In general, direct summer sunlight is just a bit too strong, but it will not flower correctly without at least six to eight hours of bright light a day. Choose a place in your home that received consistent diffused light, or move the plant around your home periodically if necessary.
Plant your tibouchina in a loose, well-drained potting soil mixture. You want to keep your plant from becoming waterlogged, so choose a pot that has ample drainage in its base.
Tibouchina flowers in the late spring or mid-summer. They'll do well with little environmental fluctuation and should be kept in temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Tibouchina disikes extreme hot or cold temperatures and should be kept away from any harsh drafts or breezes.
When you do repot the plant, go up one pot size and use fresh soil.
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