Dischidia major twines around the branches and trunks of trees, having a preference for those that are decaying. It produces both circular succulent leaves of about 2 cm diameter, and hollow, pouch-like 12 cm long leaves, reminiscent of the fruits of Araujia sericifera, a related species. These modified leaves, pitchers or ascidia, are purplish and richly dotted with stomata on the inner surface, and have an opening at the top end near the stalk. Organic debris and rainwater, possibly augmented by secreted fluids, accumulate in the cavity over the course of time, offering a source of nutrition which the plant utilises by growing roots into the chamber. Dischidia astephana and D. parvifolia do not provide housing for resident ants, but have roots that penetrate decaying wood and humus, reaching into the ant nests and presumably obtaining nutrients from the ant waste there. Dischidia major flowers are yellow striped with green, and arranged in few or many-flowered umbels. The fruit of D. major consists of the usual horn-shaped pair of follicles while the seed has a tuft of silky hairs at one end and includes an edible portion or elaiosome as incentive for ants to move the seed (myrmecochory) into nests inside the tree with an improved chance of germination and growth.
Dischidia Major Care
Malayan Urn Vine

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the potting medium evenly moist but be careful to avoid waterlogging the roots; they should never sit in water for extended periods of time
String of nickels do not require regular fertilizing outside of ensuring that their potting medium is rich in organic matter. However, if desired, a low-strength balanced fertilizer can be applied annually at the beginning of the growing season.
String of nickels grow well in low-light conditions. Indoors, they are a perfect choice for that low-light north- or east-facing window. Ideally, they should still receive some sunlight throughout the day
String of nickels should be grown in a light and airy, well-draining medium that is high in organic matter.
String of nickels thrive in humid, warm environments and do not tolerate cold temperatures or frost. They are hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11, but are typically grown indoors as houseplants
These tropical epiphytes are not toxic to pets or humans, however, the sap can be mildly irritating if it comes in contact with the skin.
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