Green Onions are a great vegetable to have around every time you want to add some extra flavor to your dishes, and they are also easy to grow on your own. You don't need to be an experienced gardener to grow your own green onions, and they can be used in a lot of forms, making them a vegetable that you can use all year round.
The Green Onion plant actually grows in three steps, giving you three forms from which you can choose depending on your needs. First come the scallions, the plant's youngest forms, allowing you to use both the bulbs and the leaves. Then, the actual Green Onions have an older bulb that is not so frequently used in the kitchen but has great, mild-tasting leaves to give your dishes that spring flavor. The last form of the Green Onion plant is the spring onion, which has leaves of a stronger taste and will boost the flavor in any recipe. The Green Onion plant usually grows up to 1-3 feet tall (30-90 cm) and is a perennial plant, meaning that you can harvest it for several years after planting.