Tomato is a delicious and healthy vegetable. There are many types of this plant. Some of them can even be grown at home. However, these plants often grow in open ground or in a greenhouse. You need to remember that growing Tomato is not easy, even though this plant is so popular.
Tomato Care
Lycopersicon Esculentum

Initially, a vegetable from the Solanaceae family, habitual to the whole world, lived only in South America. Now Tomato is known all over the world. There are more than three thousand types of tomatoes. All of them differ in appearance and taste. Plant height from 11 in (27 cm) to 7 ft (2 m). During flowering, small inflorescences appear. Most often, they are yellow. The fruits are usually red, pink, or yellow. However, this plant also has orange, red-green, and black fruits.
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How to Care for the Plant
Solanum lycopersicum prefers slightly moist soil. Therefore, you need to water regularly, but not too much. Remember you need to protect the plant's fruits, stems, and leaves from the water. Moisture on the plant can provoke the development of diseases.
Tomatoes do not need special pruning. You can carefully collect the ripened fruits of the plant.
Young tomatoes need nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers for leaf and root growth. You can buy special fertilizers for tomatoes and apply them in spring's second half. Tomatoes need magnesium as well. During the summer, add organic fertilizers.
Tomatoes love bright light and tolerate the sun's rays well. Young plants need to receive enough sunlight.
The best soil mixture for tomatoes is a mixture of peat, humus, garden soil, and sand in a ratio of 4:2:2:1. You can also add wood ash. Remember, young plants grow faster in warm soil.
Solanum lycopersicum easily propagates by seeds and cuttings. To get cuttings, you need to divide the plant and put the parts in water in a warm place. When the sprout has roots, you need to plant it in a ready-made container.
Ideal for the prosperous growth of tomatoes is a temperature of 61-82°F (16-28°C). At lower temperatures, growth slows down, and at higher temperatures, tomatoes may die. Remember, these plants do not tolerate temperature changes well.
Experts advise planting seedlings of tomatoes deep (to the plant's lower leaves). Young plants need support to cling. You should better place the plants 1-2 feet (30-60 cm) apart.
Fun fact
The largest Tomato ever weighed over 6 pounds (2.5 kg).
Some sort of support system is recommended, but sprawling plants can also produce fine crops if you have the space and if the weather cooperates. However, the plants will be more susceptible to soil-borne disease and rot if not kept off the ground.
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