Goosefoot plants are beautiful green and South American plants that will add a lot to your home's decor. While they are easy to grow, being relatively hardy and not demanding much, they require regular pruning to keep your house from turning into a jungle.
Goosefoot (Arrowhead) plant Care
Syngonium podophyllum

The Goosefoot plant, also known as the Nephthytis and arrowhead plant, is a member of the Araceae family, and is related to plants like the arrowleaf elephant ear. Goosefoot plants are native to the South American continent.
These plants can be identified by their leaves which are broad at the stem and retract into an arrow-like point. Their leaves can be a variety of green colors, from lime to dark forest green.
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How to Care for the Plant
You should water your plant every 14 days. Water until drainage appears at the bottom of the pot.
As a speedy grower, goosefoot plants require regular pruning. Use a sharp pair of scissors or shears to remove the longer stems and vines.
Goosefoot plants survive off of the nutrients in fresh soul perfectly. However, if you decide to give your plant extra nourishment, do so in the growing season. Make sure you use a balanced fertilizer!
Goosefoot plants love sunlight and grow best in bright sun. While they do well in medium light, very little exposure can damage them, so be careful. An east-facing window would be perfect!
A potting soil that retains moisture is recommended for these guys. We especially recommend more acidic soil, like peat soil.
Remove cuttings, ensuring a length of about 5 inches (12 cm). Place in a glass of water in a warm and sunny sport. Avoid direct sunlight. You should see roots within a few weeks. Afterward, just plant and treat it like any other goosefoot plant.
Initially, from relatively warm climates, this plant prefers temperatures between 60-85 ºF (15-29 ºC). They can survive hotter and colder temperatures, but anything out of this range will start to impede the plant's growth or even damage them.
A small container with a diameter of 5 inches (12 cm) should be enough, though these guys grow quickly, so you'll have to upgrade a lot! Make sure the plant container has drainage holes too.
Fun fact
The Goosefoot plant is pretty and… Toxic. It can severely injure those that consume it.
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