Native to French Guiana, Philodendron Sodiroi is a fast-growing climber that is best known for its gorgeous heart-shaped leaves with silver colored patterns.Philodendron Sodiroi enjoys both the indoors and the outdoors. It grows quickly and becomes quite large in size.Given the right conditions, it grows 1 to 3 feet per season and also rewards you with a great amount of new leaves of small nodes. The width of a Philodendron Sodiroi is usually twice its height.As a climber, this plant performs well in hanging baskets, round pots or moss covered totems. You can also let the climb up to windows, trellis or spread to the side of the containers.
Silver Leaf Philodendron Care
Philodendron Sodiroi

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering Philodendron plants doesn’t require much fuss. The key is to keep the soil moist so your Sodiroi can get the right amount of hydration.Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to water intoxications and root rot, which can damage the plant seriously. To prevent this, let the soil dry out a bit before you water it again.If your Philodendron plant is not being watered properly, it will immediately give you a sign: leaves turning brown means your plant needs watering, while yellow leaves are the clear sign of damage done by overwatering.
You don’t really need to buy fancy and overly expensive fertilizers to take care of sodiroi. The standard quality fertilizer made for houseplants is enough to aid in its growth. Whether basic or fancy, make sure the quality is up to the mark because only then it is going to show the best results.
Similar to most Philodendron plants, Sodiroi enjoys indirect light, but it can easily adapt to any other light conditions as well. To help it thrive, place your plant somewhere bright, where it can get plenty of sunlight.While it can survive in low light conditions, your Sodiroi won’t be as glossy as it could be in an ideal environment. Also, the leaves will stop spreading and the growth of the plant will significantly slow down.Bright light is undoubtedly inevitable for a beautiful growth, but be careful, do not place your plant directly to the sunlight. If your plant is exposed to strong sunlight, it can easily burn the leaves.
The go-to soil for your Philodendron Sodiroi is a good-quality airy soil mix that is well-draining. You can use a potting mixture of humus sand and peat; these are especially good for climber plants.You can also combine perlite, sterilized garden loam or coarse sand with peat moss. Whichever combination you choose, always make sure that the soil is moist and never completely dried out.
Regarding temperature, the ideal range for Philodendron Sodiroi is between 55-80 °F. As a cold grower plant, Sodiroi plants perform the best under colder temperatures.
You can plant your Sodiroi in a terracotta pot, but basically you are free to use any other pot you like. The one important aspect is to make sure that it has drainage holes where the excess water can leave the pot.
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