This extraordinary plant has beautiful and unusual silver-colored leaves that appeal to every plant lover’s heart.
Silver Cloud Care
Pilea pubescens

Native to Central and South America, Pilea pubescens boasts silver leaves with contrasting red on the back. Its owners can also enjoy tiny pink-green flowers.
We can identify this plant as medium hard to care for and grow as it needs some specific conditions in watering and lighting.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water your plant regularly, but you should wait until the soil dries out. Pilea pubescens doesn’t need additional humidity.
You don’t have to prune this plant necessarily but remove dead leaves so Silver Cloud won’t waste its energy.
If you choose well-balanced soil rich in organic nutrients, you don’t need to fertilize your plant additionally. Silver Cloud doesn’t like a lot of food.
Ensure that your Pilea pubescens gets enough sunlight; otherwise, it will drop all leaves. Put it less than 3 feet (1 m) from a window to encourage growth.
Pilea pubescens prefers well-draining soil that contains many organic matters. You can prepare such a mix on your own, adding a handful of perlite to universal soil. Add extra sand to the mix to ensure good drainage.
Silver Cloud is generally very easy to root from cuttings. Stick it in moist peat and put it in a warm place until the roots start developing.
This plant is fairly tolerant of significant temperature fluctuations and can grow at 45-95°F (7°-35°C). If the temperature drops below, the plant can die, so take care to move the plant indoors or warm it.
Don’t use a too large container to avoid waterlogged soil but choose one considering the root system. You can take a pot made of any material, but it must have drainage holes.
Fun fact
It’s a perfect plant to grow in a terrarium.
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