Prayer Plant is a tropical plant often grown indoors. Huge decorative leaves attract many plant lovers and fit well into the interior.
Goeppertia orbifolia Care
Goeppertia orbifolia
Other names: Calathea Rotundifolia

The origin of the name comes from the ancient Greek Kalathos – a basket. People used to weave baskets from this plant's leaves in the past. In most species, the leaves are large and oblong-oval, but there are also species with lanceolate leaves-shoots from a plant that forms rhizomes, often underground.
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How to Care for the Plant
Being a tropical plant, Calathea orbifolia needs a lot of water. Make sure the soil is always moist but not dripping wet. Don’t let any liquid stay in the saucer.
This tropical plant requires minimal pruning. Cut the leaves only if they wilted or begin to turn yellow.
The plant needs to be slightly fed in spring and summer. Use liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen once a month. Apply at a quarter of recommended strength to avoid root burn.
This plant prefers a lot of indirect light. If the light is too bright, the plant's leaves may wither. Too much shade, on the other hand, will lead to leaf discoloration and corrupted growth.
The most suitable soil for the plant should be fertile but also well-draining. You can buy a usual plant mix in the shop. If you decide to make substrate with your own hands, use 2 parts of potting mix, 1 part perlite, and a bit of orchid bark to add some acidity to the soil.
Propagation from cuttings is not successful because this plant’s leaves grow straight out of the rhizome. Hence, the division of the rhizome is the best option. Spring is the best time to breed. Keep in mind that Prayer Plant doesn’t like its roots to be disturbed, so plan propagation at the same time with repotting. Do not propagate for at least a year after repotting – it can be too shocking for this gentle plant.
Suitable temperatures for your Goeppertia orbifolia would be 65°F and 75°F (18°C - 24°C). It is essential to withstand this particular temperature regime because at an elevated temperature, the leaves curl, and at a lower temperature, they droop.
The container for the plant shouldn’t be too big. Look for the pot 1-1.5 in (2.5-3 cm) wider than the earthen clod of your Goeppertia. The plant should feel free and retain moisture.
Fun fact
The plant can move. It has a small joint where the leaf and stem meet. Also, this Calathea raises its leaves at night and lowers them to catch more light during the day.
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