Aeschynanthus is a genus of evergreen subtropical and tropical plants in the Gesneriaceae family. There are more than 150 known species.
Lipstick Plant Care
Aeschynanthus radicans

Aeschynanthus is an epiphyte. An epiphyte is a plant that grows on the surface of the other plant - a phorophyte. At the same time, it does not receive any nutrition from its phorophyte itself, so it is not a "parasite".
Aeschynanthus is primarily found in Asia, with Malaysia and adjacent islands being particularly abundant. Even in the middle of a forest, they seek out the brightest spots, favoring rocks, altitudes, waterfalls, and river banks.
The plant's branches are always green. Their size ranges from 12-36 in (30-90 cm). Semi-shrubs and hanging climbing branches can be found among the members of this genus. In their natural habitat, these plants are pollinated by nectary birds, which have very thin and long beaks. The leaves have a short petiole and are arranged on the branches. The leaves are big and fleshy.
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How to Care for the Plant
When the top quarter of the soil is dry, you'll know it's time to water your Aeschynanthus. In the spring-summer season, apply water weekly. In the cooler seasons, water the plant once every 2-3 weeks. Pour until you see the water coming out of the drainage holes. If you use a saucer, don't leave any liquid in it because the roots won't like it. If you have a ventilated bathroom with a nice window that lets in enough sunlight, you can let your Lipstick plant hang there. The humidity in the bathroom will remind the plant of its native tropical forest.
To prune your Lipstick Plant, wait until the blooming is over. You may want the branches look neat, so chop about a third off the stems. Don't forget to cut above the leaf node. Always use sterilized sharp scissors.
A water-soluble houseplant fertilizer that is high in potassium would be fine for your Lipstick plant. Feed the plant every two weeks during the growing season (spring-summer). In the fall-winter season, fertilizing is not necessary.
Lipstick plants fear direct sun rays, so take every precaution to scatter light. You can select a pleasant west- or east-facing windowsill. You may let your plant sit by a north-facing window in the summer.
Aeschynanthus prefers slightly acidic or neutral soil combinations that are loose. Dense substrates are not ideal for them. Lipstick plant thrives in simple substrates rather than complicated ones. One part potting soil, one part peat, and one part perlite will be an excellent option for your beloved Aeschynanthus.
Using cuttings is the main method of propagation of the Lipstick Plant. You can use the leftovers after pruning. 4-6 in (10-15 cm) cuttings will work. Make 1.5 in (3-4 cm) holes in the rich, well-draining soil, one spot for each cutting. Moisten the soil and place your pot in a warm, well-lit room with no direct light. Roots will develop after 4-6 weeks. After that, feel free to repot your newborns.
The Lipstick Plants do not like heat; they feel great in a stable temperature of about 68°F (20°C). They do not like temperature changes. In winter, let your Aeschynanthus sit in a cool place (about 60-65°F or 16-18°C). In that case, the flower buds will develop the most actively.
Your container might be not very big, about 6-7 in (15-17 cm) wide and 5-6 in (12-15 cm) deep. Make sure it has drainage holes on the bottom. You can also place the pot on a pebble bed. When you're watering your plant, the water will drain on the rocks and evaporate, imitating tropical humidity.
If you choose to grow your Lipstick plant indoors, you may also want to use a hanging basket. The plant stems can grow more than 2 ft (60 cm) long, so it would be nice to let them have some space. It may also bring an exotic sparkle to your home decor.Fun fact
The Lipstick Plant got such a funny name because of its unique appearance. The flowers of Aeschynanthus look like small lipstick tubes.
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