Malpighi naked - plant species from the genus Malpighi family Malpighian , fruit tree of South America , is grown in many tropical regions for the sake of juicy fruit with a very high content of vitamin the C .
Malpighia Glabra Care
Malpighia Glabra
Other names: Wild Crapemyrtle, Acerola, Manzanita

Barbados cherry is an evergreen tree up to 6 meters high. Leaves are elliptical, 2-7 cm long and 1-4 cm wide. The fruit is round or slightly flattened, 1.25-2.5 cm in diameter, with a thin glossy bright red skin. The inside contains a juicy sour pulp with three hard seeds. Fruits of two closely related, sometimes combined species of malpighia glabrous and pomegranate malpighia known as acerola ( acerola cherry ) or Barbados cherry . Moreover, the plant is taxonomically rather far from the common cherry ; it belongs not only to another family , but even to a different order.
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