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Kauri Care

Agathis Australis

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What is the plant

The species forms its own forest type - Kauri forest - which is typified by dense canopies of kauri. Common associates in the northern half of its range may include taraire (Beilschmiedia tarairi), northern rata (Metrosideros robusta), rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum), towai (Weinmannia silvicola), and makamaka (Ackama rosifolia). Historically kauri forest seems to have been best developed on river terraces, coastal plains and the generally flat flood basalts of the Tangihua complex, which make the dominant geology of Waipoua, Omahuta, Puketi, Trounson. Some people believe that the hill and range occurrences, which is where most stands can now be seen, are relictual stands not truly favoured by the species, but merely examples of where it can grow, and of course locations where it was usually left because log extraction was less feasible.

Stout, monoecious forest tree 30-60 m tall, with trunk 3-4(-7) m diam. Trunk typically devoid of branches for majority of its height. Trees at ricker development stage have a columnar growth form with trunk scarcely free of branches. As tree matures the basal branches are progressively abscissed, eventually leaving bare trunk typical of mature specimens. Bark blue-grey, falling in large thick flakes with scalloped margins, undersides of discarded bark and freshly exposed underbark rust brown. Leaves (needles) alternate to subopposite, sessile, thick and leathery; juvenile leaves 50-100 mm x 5-12 mm, lanceolate, pinkish green, often black-spotted (a fungus specific to kauri causes this); adult leaves 20-35 mm, oblong, apex obtuse. Male cones 20-50 mm long, stout, cylindrical, female cones globose 50-75 mm diam., cone-scales (carpidia) deciduous, at first broad but then gradually narrowing toward base, bearing one ovule per scale. Seeds ovoid, compressed, margins winged.Not strictly regarded as threatened but some stands of kauri on private land remain vulnerable to illegal logging, while trees are still peridoically removed (although only by permit or with approval) for cultural purposes, such as for making waka (canoes) or other Maori buildings and structures. Some small southerly populations are rather vulnerable to goat browse destroying regenerating seedlings and saplings.

More recently kauri dieback (also known as Phytophthora taxon Agathis or PTA) has caused the death of kauri trees and has become a serious issue (see the information and links provided below and see images above of lesions and thinning caused by the disease).

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