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Narrow-Leaved Vetch Care

Vicia sativa

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Narrow-Leaved Vetch 0
Narrow-Leaved Vetch 1
What is the plant

Vicia sativa has a high ability to fix nitrogen provided that the seeds are inoculated with an adequate rhizobium strain or that it has been sown previously on the field (FAO, 2010; Sattell et al., 1998). It can provide N either to the cereal companion crop when sown in mixed pastures, or to the following crop when sown alone.

Leaf: leaflets 5--7 mm wide, linear to generally lance-oblong, length 4--10 × width. Flower: calyx tube 4.5--5.5 mm, lobes 3--4.5 mm; corolla 10--18 mm, pink-purple to +- white. Fruit: black. Seed: 2.5--4 mm wide, spheric. Ecology: Roadsides, disturbed areas, grassland, open areas in oak woodland, riparian woodland; Elevation: < 1608 m. Bioregional Distribution: NCo, NCoRO, NCoRI, n&c SNF, GV, CW (exc SCoRI), SCo, ChI, PR; Distribution Outside California: to southeastern United States; native to Europe. Flowering Time: Mar--Jun

This plant might be poisonous

How to get rid of: Control common vetch with a post-emergent two-, three-, and four-way broadleaf herbicide. Herbicides containing triclopyr and clopyralid, as well as fluroxypyr products are efficient herbicide controls.

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