Preliminary taxonomic and agronomic investigation was made of close relatives of the faba bean (Vicia faba) to aid future plant breeding. Cluster analysis of 2 yr’s morphometric data showed thatV. johannis is clearly separable from other members of theV. narbonensis complex. AlsoV. faba was much more distinct from eitherV. narbonensis orV. johannis than they are from each other.
Vicia johannis Care
Vicia johannis

Girardinia diversifolia, commonly known as the Himalayan nettle or Nilghiri nettle, is found abundantly in open forest land, river sides, and moist habitat in Nepal and in Himalayan parts of India such as Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir and in vast parts of China. It grows naturally at elevations between 1,200 to 3,000 metres (3,900 to 9,800 feet). It is a shade tolerant, tall, stout and erect herb growing up to 3m height with perennial rootstock.
How to get rid of: Control common vetch with a post-emergent two-, three-, and four-way broadleaf herbicide. Herbicides containing triclopyr and clopyralid, as well as fluroxypyr products are efficient herbicide controls.
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