is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant which grows up to 1 m tall with a branching structure . It has stiff hairs which are sometimes hooked at their apex. The plant exudes a latex . The basal leaves are narrowly oblanceolate to elliptic, up to 30 cm long, obtuse to acute at apex, sinuate to toothed at the margin, offset to a base that seems like the petiole, embraces the stem at the base . Generally, it has a simple taproot but occasionally also has a branched root system. It has yellow flowers and yellow or reddish achenes, slightly compressed, wrinkled transversely, abruptly terminated by a nose hair as long as the achene.
Bristly Oxtongue Care
Helminthotheca echioides

An annual plant, which usually reaches a height of growth between 30 and 80 cm Stems are usually very branched in the upper half, bristly. Basal leaves petiolate, long inverted-lanceolate, toothed and tapering to the trunk, and the upper lanceolate, toothed and somewhat included in the stem. Flower heads sit at the top of the branches. All bracts spiny with stiff bristles. Flower heads contain only yellow radial flowers. Long protruding achenes have pinnate tufts. Mostly blooms from June to August.Stem: large, strong, 3-20 dm. Leaf: 5-20 cm, oblong, whole-toothed or fine-lobed; narrows proximally to winged petioles; distal sessile, sometimes contracting. Inflorescence: heads 2-4 cm in diameter, upper and axillary, from short to long, on peduncles in the form of racemose bunches with leaves; wrapper 15-20 mm; outer phillaria expand to ascending, leaf-shaped, broad-ovate, cordate, and often hide straight, lanceolate, pointed inner phillaria. Fruit: 5-7.5 mm (including beak); body beak, external from white to straw-brown or brown, pubescent along the axis, internal brown, transversely rough, glabrous; the beak is thin; crest 4-7 mm, feathery, white.Distribution outside of California: North America; originally from Europe
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of: Mulch the aisles. A great option is to spread the mowed grass left, for example, from the lawn, between the cultivated plants. But it must be laid in a thick layer of at least 5 cm - weeds cannot germinate through such mulch.
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How to Care for the Plant
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