Spergularia bocconei, Boccone's sandspurry, Greek sea-spurrey or Boccone's sea-spurrey, is a species of the genus Spergularia, in the family Caryophyllaceae.
Habit: Annual, +- delicate. Stem: lower main generally 0.5--1 mm diam. Leaf: +- fleshy; generally 0--2 per axillary cluster; stipules generally 1.5--4.5 mm, generally inconspicuous, generally deltate, dull, white to tan, tip acute to short-acuminate. Inflorescence: generally 1--6+ × compound; flowers of upper branches often +- on 1 side, glandular-hairy. Flower: sepals fused 0.4--0.6 mm, lobes 2.2--3.5 mm, in fruit < 4.5 mm; petals white or pink to rosy; stamens 8--10; styles 0.4--0.6 mm. Fruit: 2.7--5.3 mm, 1--1.2 × calyx. Seed: 0.4--0.6 mm, light brown, wing 0; +- sculptured, minutely papillate.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of:
Should be pulled when they are young. When soil is moist, push a sharp spade or dandelion digger into the soil, angled downward toward the center of the plant, and loosen the soil around it.