Polka dot begonia is undoubtedly one of the most gorgeous species of indoor plants because of silver spotted leaves and red undersides. It is rumored that Louboutin created his trademark shoe to mimic the undersides of the Begonia maculata.
Begonia Polkadot Care
Begonia maculata

Begonia maculata is one of the most exciting begonias. The undersides of its leaves are a dark red, and the upper side is olive green with silver dots. During the flowering season (spring to autumn) Begonia maculata produces white flowers in a cluster on a single flower stem. It is relatively fast growing. The plant is native to Brazil.
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How to Care for the Plant
Water begonias carefully. Water your plants when a surface of a potting soil feels dry to a touch. You should water your plants more frequently when it is warm, a light is bright and a begonias are flowering heavily and putting out new growth. Water your plant until water runs out of a drainage holes.
By removing overgrown foliage, you will improve airflow to the plant, and light will be better able to penetrate all portions of the plant. This actually leads to a fuller and healthier-looking houseplant.
Use a 5-10-10 blend or 10-10-10 fertilizer diluted to 1/4th strength.
They grow at their best close to a window in partial sun and shade.
Loam soils are best for plant growth because sand, silt, and clay together provide desirable characteristics.
Maintain a room temperature of 18-22C with humidity preferably above 50%.
Use a ceramic porous pot with a good drainage.
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