A perennial herbaceous plants with the typical appearance of legumes. Lodging stems, up to 60 cm long. Leaves are light green, compound - consist of 3 oval leaves. In some species, the leaves are very thin and long and more like needles. Flowers are yellow or red, fragrant, up to 3 cm in diameter, appear on the tops of the shoots.
Moderate - warm content in spring and summer at a temperature of 16 - 20 ° C. In the winter months, plants like coolness, but the temperature of the content should not fall below 8 ° C.After flowering, stems that are too long can be trimmed 1/3 of their length to maintain a compact shape. The plant will appreciate being outdoors during the warmer months.It tolerates dry air well and rarely needs spraying. Loves often ventilated rooms with constant air movement.