Gaudinia is a genus of herbaceous plants of the Poaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean and the Azores.
GaudíNia Grass Care
Gaudinia fragilis

They are annual plants. Sheath leaves with free margins; ligule short, truncated, membranous; flat limbus. Spiciform inflorescence, generally lax, distal, with excavated rachis, disarticulating above the spikelets when mature. Seated spikelets, generally solitary, longer than the rachis, with 2-8 hermaphrodite flowers and not articulated with the rachilla. Glumes shorter than the flowers, with well marked veins; the lower one with 1-5 nerves; the upper one with 4-11 nerves. Glabrous rachilla.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: It is often more effective with tall herbaceous plants, such as grasses, and some woody weeds to first slash the area and only spray the re-growth. Allow 3–4 weeks for new lush growth and then spray. Most chemicals works best when plants are healthy and actively growing. By removing dry stems and forcing the plant to put on new growth the uptake of herbicide will be improved. This method has the added benefit of opening up the space and improving access, and can result in less herbicide being used.
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