A close relative of the onion, garlic (Allium sativum) is an edible, bulbous plant that has been cultivated for several thousand years. It is more popular today than ever and, with over 600 sub-varieties available, there is ample room for gourmet garlic growers to carve out a niche. For the home gardener, it is quite easy to grow a year's supply, and you can give your leftover crop to friends and neighbors. A. sativum forms long, narrow flat leaves, white flowers on a tall stalk and an edible, stongly scented bulb divided into bulbets or cloves, contained in a whitish skin.
Garlic Care
Allium Sativum

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How to Care for the Plant
The amount of water is reduced 2-3 weeks before the garlic is harvested. it is permissible not to moisten the plants if there was a large amount of rainfall in winter. how often garlic is watered and nourished depends on the region of cultivation and the amount of natural rainfall. the best option is considered once a week.
Trim out dead and damaged leaves any time, pinching off or cutting off each of those leaves at its base. Avoid cutting into a plant's main stems or its crown, which is where its leaves and roots meet.
Use slow-release fertilizer. Avoid using too much fertilizer.
The East window is often considered the best window for houseplants as its cooler than the west window without the dangers of overheating. West windows received full sun for part of the day and bright light for the rest, great for flowering plants.
Planting instructions will suggest planting in a sterile potting mix.
Ceramic pots are the most popular type of containers for houseplants today. You'll find them in all kinds of styles, colors, and sizes. At one time, the clay pot was the most common container for indoor plants. When choosing a pot, choose a pot that is 2.5-5 cm (1-2”) larger than the current size.
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