Cannabis is a genus of annual plants from the Cannabaceae family. This plant is known as one of the oldest industrial crops. Different cultures extracted oil-made fabrics from the plant.
Marijuana Care

Cannabis is an annual herbaceous plant. It has an upright hollow stem. The leaves are petiolate. They consist of five to seven segments. The edge of the segments is serrated. Cannabis flowers are dioecious. The female inflorescence looks like an ear, the male like a panicle. The fruits are egg-shaped, gray-green, or brown nuts.
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How to Care for the Plant
Proper watering is essential for Cannabis, especially at the stage of growth when the root system is not fully formed. Usually, this greenie should be irrigated once every 2-3 days. You should water it every day if the weather is dry and hot. When growing a plant outdoors, you can also invest in drip irrigation to make the process easier.
If you are growing Cannabis for the harvest, you will need to pinch the tops of the plant from time to time. You can use activated charcoal to protect your greenie from infection after pruning.
Feeding your green pet is essential. You can use special fertilizers for Marijuana plants. Choose nourishment mediums with nitrogen.
If your Marijuana is growing indoors, you can use LED grow lights as illumination. These lights allow you to create the optimal radiation lighting range at all stages of plant growth. It is important to use light waves of a particular spectrum. There are four main colors. The blue color is helpful for seed germination and the plant's vegetative and active growth. Red increases the rate of root growth and maturation. Green stimulates the development of stems and leaves. White light supports Marijuana's growth in the absence of natural light.
The soil mixture or substrate for growing Cannabis must be sterile. In the closed space of a home greenhouse, parasites and pests pose a much greater danger than in a garden. Choose neutral or slightly acidic soil. You can buy soil or mix 40% compost, 30% vermicompost, 20% perlite, and 10% dolomite lime.
You can germinate Cannabis from seeds or propagate the plant from cuttings. The second method is more reliable because the cuttings have genetic similarities to the mother plant and are more predictable in terms of growth.
The optimal range for Cannabis is 73-82°F (23-28°C). However, Marijuana can withstand both lower and higher temperatures. You should ensure the temperature does not fall below 59°F (15°C). In these conditions, the plant gradually dies.
The easiest way to grow Marijuana is outdoors. This will significantly reduce the cost of technical equipment. If the climate in your area does not allow you to do this, you can use a special greenhouse box that can be placed in any room.
Fun fact
Cannabis was the first product sold online. This happened in 1971. A Stanford student bought Cannabis from an MIT student.
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