C. integrifolia is a small, tender, bushy, evergreen sub-shrub typically grown as an annual with oblong, veiny, dull-green leaves with hairy undersides and clusters of bright yellow, pouch-like flowers in summer. When established outdoors, it will, given mild winters, make a plant up to a metre high but when grown as an annual is more usually 40 to 50cm tall. It can be used as a bedding plant in formal schemes or dotted amongst perennials to fill in any spaces.
Bush Slipperwort Care
Calceolaria Integrifolia

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but never soggy, especially when your Calceolarias are in bud or bloom.
Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering.
plenty of bright, indirect light, but not full sun.
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When growing Calceolarias as house plants, they should be planted in a peat moss based potting mix.Pre-fertilized potting mixes work well.
grow best in a cool (60°-65° during the day, 50°-55° at night)
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