Cinnamomum tamala is an evergreen tree growing 10 - 20 metres tall. The bole can be 20cm in diameter.A popular spice in northern India and Pakistan, where the plant is harvested from the wild and also often cultivated. The bark and leaves, which are sources of essential oils, are the parts mainly used and they also have medicinal properties. The leaves are often sold as a spice called 'tamala patra' in local markets in Pakistan, and the tree is cultivated for its leaves and essential oils in parts of India.
Tezpat Care
Cinnamomum Tamala

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How to Care for the Plant
Maintain a consistent watering schedule but allow the soil to dry between watering.
can be pruned to a smaller size of 3-8 feet (0.9 to 2.4 m.)
Fertilize moderately, as excess fertilizer can contribute to root diseases as can cool temperatures.
Young plants benefit from some shade, but older trees do well in full sun
Prefers a fertile, sandy, moisture-retentive but freely draining soil
C. zeylanicum thrives in USDA zones 9-11 and can survive frosts down to 32 degrees F. (0 C.)
They do well in containers
The dried bark is used to treat stomach-ache.The leaves are used in the treatment of colic and diarrhoea. Leaf extracts produce a hypoglycaemic effect in experimental rats
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