Queen Palm grows in the humid subtropics of eastern South America from the estuary of the Parana River to the state of Bahia in Brazil, in marshy places, on damp clay soils on mountain slopes, and in savannahs on moist, fertile, sometimes saline soils.
Queens Palms are beautiful palm trees with slim trunks that still have signs of old foliage on them. The leaves are complex, pinnate, and slightly drooping. They are dark green, on long petioles, and gently hanging down. Leaf segments are straight and glossy, about 15-20 in (40-50 cm) in length. The leaf blades' undersides are painted in lighter hues. During the flowering season, a stunning 4 ft (1.5-m) long branching inflorescence with numerous little cream or white flowers arises underneath the crown. The fruits are spherical berries with a diameter of approximately 1 in (2 cm) that turn orange when ripe.