Known as the most important rubber-producing tree worldwide, Hevea brasiliensis or commonly known as para rubber tree, is a deciduous tree growing up to 20 m in height with smooth and gray bark, dark green leaves, pale yellow flowers, and large capsule fruits. It is a tropical plant native to the Amazon in Brazil but can be found in other locations across South America, Africa, and Asia. Seeds are poisonous thus it requires treatment by soaking for a prolonged period or boiling prior to consumption. The seeds contain Para rubber seed oil, a semi-drying pale yellow oil used for illumination, soap making, paint, varnish, and as a treatment against house flies and lice. The plant is often intercropped with coffee or cocoa. Tapping the trunk yields latex used in wide range of applications. The wood is used for furniture, interior finish, moulding, etc.
Rubber Tree Care
Hevea Brasiliensis

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How to Care for the Plant
Rubber plants’ water needs vary according to season: In the growing season (summer), the plant should be kept moist. This includes wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or even misting them. During the dormant season, your plant may only need water once or twice a month. Watch for droopy leaves, which indicate a need for more water. Leaves that turn yellow and brown and drop signal over-watering.
Aside from removing dead or dying leaves, rubber plants don’t require much pruning. However, for shaping, keep the following in mind: Don’t cut off the top until your plant reaches the desired height. When you do cut off the top, your plant will branch out. You can always prune to your desired shape by cutting back unruly branches. Pruning in spring or summer is best but not absolutely necessary.
For best results, feed your plant every month during the spring and summer with a diluted liquid fertilizer. No fertilizer is necessary during the winter when plant growth naturally slows.
Rubber plants like bright light and a lot of it, but not direct sunlight. A sunny spot shielded by a sheer curtain is often perfect for rubber plants. You can tell if your rubber plant needs more light if it becomes leggy, its leaves lose their luster, and lower leaves fall off.
Rubber plants don’t like to sit in water, so a well-draining soil is important. House Plant Expert suggests, in particular, that a “well-draining and well-aerated potting soil is needed. 1 part peat, 1 part pine bark and 1 part coarse sand (or perlite) is a good mix.”
65°F-85°F (18°C-30°C). It’s best not to let it go below 60°F (15°C).
The seeds contain cyanic compounds are poisonous to humans unless treated.Seed is poisonous if ingested Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction
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