The Queensland Bottle Tree is unique to Australia, although it has been successfully transplanted to areas such as southern California in the United States. Its primary growing region, as should come as no surprise given the name, is in Queensland, Australia and in New South Wales.Native to the stretch of Australia between northern New South Wales and the inland part of Queensland, the Queensland Bottle Tree is semi-deciduous. While it retains its leaves through the winter, it drops them in the spring, making way for a sprinkling of creamy yellow flowers. These delicate flowers eventually flutter their way down to the ground, resulting in a colorful carpet around the tree’s base.
Queensland Bottletree Care
Brachychiton Rupestris

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How to Care for the Plant
Bottle tree care involves providing moderate amounts of water in dry weather. The trunks of Kurrajong bottle trees store water, when it is available.
A Queensland bottle tree (which should not be confused with a bottlebrush shrub) does not need trimmed at all if it is in a situation where it has plenty of growing room.
Ideally, the bottle tree (Brachychiton Rupestris) should be situated in an area where it gets plenty of sun
bottle tree prefers well-draining, moderately fertile soil with an even texture. It dislikes uneven, rocky soils and soils that are consistently wet or flooded.
Bottle Trees can grow in a wide variety of soils and aspects and can sustain temperatures from -5 to +45 degrees.
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