Tibouchina (Tibouchina) earns its common names -- glory bush, princess flower and purple glory tree -- from its brilliant, profuse, purple and violet flowers. At 4- to 6-feet tall and wide and grown outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 to 11, glory bush (Tibouchina heteromalla ) is the smallest of the species. Princess flower (Tibouchina urvilleana), which grows 6- to 8-feet tall and wide in USDA zones 9 to 11, grows as a tree or a vine. And purple glory tree (Tibouchina granulosa) grows 15- to 20-feet tall and wide in USDA zones 10 through 11.
Brazilian Glory Tree Care
Tibouchina Granulosa

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How to Care for the Plant
Glory bush and purple glory tree need medium amounts of water, with a deep soaking once a week during the growing season and more during an extremely hot spell. Keep the soil moist but not dripping wet. Princess flowers tolerate more moisture, but they also thrive with weekly watering and moist-to-wet soil. Mulch all the plants with an organic, rich mulch to give them nutrients and help keep the soil moist.
All tribouchina varieties can be pruned by pinching the tips of stems after flowering to encourage bushiness and increase flowering. Cut off dead branches and remove branches that block a path or interfere with walking at any time of year. Prune purple glory tree to keep its tree shape by removing all but one central trunk or to grow it in an espaliered form. Prune the canopy of the tree to keep branches from lowering to the ground or to grow it in an espaliered form.
Tribouchina thrives in rich, fertile soil. If your soil meets that requirement, a yearly layer of organic compost will help the soil remain fertile. If the soil is poor, feed the plant with an all-purpose garden fertilizer once a month during the growing season, as you would most other plants in your yard.
Tibouchina grows well in full sun, but glory bush and princess flower appreciate partial afternoon shade if they grow in an area with hot summers. Purple glory tree needs five hours or more of direct sun daily.
They also like lots of sunlight and rich, fertile, well-draining soil and respond well to liquid fertilizer.
Tribouchina will die back at the first frost outside its USDA zones, but you can grow it in a container outdoors and bring the plant inside for the summer. Indoors, place the plant where it will get bright light.
Princess flower is classified as a noxious weed in Hawaii because it has invaded natural areas and threatens native plants.
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