A shrub or small tree with cordate, serrate leaves. Inflorescence an axillary, drooping, 12-15 cm across, many-flowered umbellate cyme; peduncle more than 20 cm long, hairy. Flowers pink, c. 3 cm across; pedicel c. 4 cm long, hairy. Sepals linear-oblong, c. 1.5 cm long, c. 3-4 mm broad, densely patent hairy outside. Petals obovate, oblique, 2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm broad. Fertile stamens c. 1 cm long; staminodes c. 1.5 cm long. Carpels 5; ovary ovate-oblong, densely villous; stigma exserted. Capsule pentagonal, ovate-oblong, densely beset with rusty hairs, tipped by c. 2 cm long, persistent style.
Malvaceae Sl Care
Dombeya Ficulnea

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How to Care for the Plant
The hibiscus needs a relatively large amount of water, yet it does not want to stand in the water with wet feet. If it has too much water – which unfortunately can happen during long rainy periods – it quickly drops its flowers and flower buds. This always is a sure sign of too much water.
In the spring the hibiscus tolerates a generous cut. Depending on how large you wish your hibiscus to be, it will be cut down to 15 cm or simply thinned. It forms its blossoms on the young sprouts, which are also referred to as one-year wood. The more extensive the cutting back, the more young sprouts and blossoms it will bring forth.
During the growing period fertilize the indoor hibiscus once a week with a customary flowering plants fertilizer, which is used according to the manufacturer’s specifications. The hibiscus shrub flourishes very well with compost or organic fertilizer. Compost and horn shavings are especially useful for it.
An important factor for the colorful blossoming of the hibiscus is its location. All species have one thing in common: They love the warmth and the sun. In the garden, this location should be simultaneously sheltered from the wind and large enough. Who, indeed, wants to plant the rose mallow in the garden should keep in mind that he/she will need a lot more space in a few years. In turn indoors, a sunny place with plenty of light is ideal. Be sure that no cold draught reaches the plant there. As a potted plant in the garden the hibiscus should not be repositioned, since it casts off its blossoms otherwise.
Avoid a place, which is threatened by waterlogging. If the tubers get into standing water even for a short time, you will be on the lookout for beautiful fragrant blossoms in vain. Hence, the chocolate cosmos does not come into consideration for the greening of a pond or a stream.
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