Gymnosporia buxifolia is a very showy plant when in flower and can grow into an interesting and shapely small tree over time. It can be pruned to form a dense, spiny, evergreen hedge. It is a very cold- and drought-hardy plant, so it will be good in areas prone to these conditions.Gymnosporia buxifolia takes the form of a large shrub of about 3 m high, or a small, weather-beaten, evergreen tree, up to 7 m tall. It has simple variable leaves that are obovate with a rounded apex, sometimes notched, and a wedge-shaped base. The margin is unequally toothed towards the tips. Leaves are alternate or clustered in arrangement. The bark is light brown and smooth, becoming very dark, rough, corky and fissured as the tree ages. It is armed with sharp, slender to robust spines, about 3.5–100 mm long, on the branches.
Spikethorn Care
Gymnosporia Buxifolia

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly until well established, then reduce water until the plant is thoroughly hardened and water wise.
Prune to shape, and to increase branching, and trim to create a dense, impenetrable hedge.
Full sun to partial shade
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It is frost hardy and drought resistant and is a tough pioneer species, useful on exposed sites and to create shade for slower-growing trees.
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