If you want to make your apartment more colorful, pay attention to Philodendron Silver Sword because of its unique silver, metallic shining!
Philodendron Silver Sword Care
Philodendron hastatum 'Silver sword'

There’s no surprise this climbing vine got such a name as ‘the Silver Sword’ due to its sharp-ended leaves of silver color, and yeah, they remind a sword. Another exciting thing about this plant is its rareness and texture because it feels like velvet to the touch, and the underside of the leaves has labyrinthine lines.
The Philodendron hastatum is native to Brazil and can be found in the rainforests. Unfortunately, its native habitat suffers from deforestation. So if you are lucky to add this plant to your collection, you are almost saving this species.
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How to Care for the Plant
This plant grows extremely fast, so it needs deep watering. When it comes to frequency, philodendron is very forgiving. It can thrive despite little overwatering or underwatering. But the best strategy for watering is to check the soil; when it’s dry, then water it generously. And let it dry out before the next one.
The most effective method is root-cutting. But don’t forget, when you cut the mother plant, always include a node!
You can fertilize this plant every month. The most suitable fertilizer is the nitrogen one.
In natural surroundings, this plant receives light filtered through the light of other plants. So indoors it will also like indirect sunlight. But since this plant isn’t picky at all, it can tolerate slightly lower light conditions and bright direct light.
Loose soil with excellent drainage.
Between 55-80F (12-26 C), it will be ok with less warm temperatures.
This plant needs a larger container with drainage holes. When you notice that roots are popping out from these holes, it is time to repot your philodendron.
Fun fact
It’s rather dangerous because this plant is toxic to humans and animals. It won’t be a big problem to keep it away from your pets since it’s a climber and can be placed in a higher spot.
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