Wall germander (Teucrium chamadrys) is a shrubby broadleaf evergreen with a clump-forming habit, grown mostly for its aromatic foliage (it is a member of the mint family). Sometimes categorized as Teucrium x lucidrys, wall germander is one of those old-fashioned plants that does not receive a lot of press nowadays. That fact may be changing soon, however. With many gardeners worried about bee populations being on the decline, it may be hard to ignore a proven and adaptable bee magnet such as T. chamaedrys for much longer.Wall germander bears dark-green, shiny leaves with toothed edges and a nice smell. The smell released from the leaves when crushed makes them prized for crafts. Craftspeople often dry the stems of the plant before using them in potpourri or wreath projects. Light to deep purple flowers appear in summer and early fall.
Wall Germander Care
Teucrium Chamaedrys

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How to Care for the Plant
In the first year of growth, water this plant weekly to a depth of at least 3 inches. Once established, watering every 10 days or so is usually sufficient. Withhold watering as winter approaches.
Growers typically shear their small hedge of wall germander at least twice a year— once in late winter or early spring and a second time after flowering. If you grow the plants individually (rather than in a hedge) and want the best flowering display, skip that first shearing because you may be removing some flower buds. The more formal you wish your hedge to be, the more often you will want to shear it to maintain its shape and promote denser growth.
Wall germander grows well with relative neglect, but it will appreciate an annual spring feeding with a balanced general-purpose fertilizer diluted to one-fourth strength.
Wall germander prefers a full sun location. Shade will make the plants leggy and scraggly.
This plant prefers dry to medium-moisture soil that is well-drained. It will tolerate poor, sandy soil, provided it is well-drained. Wall germander does well in neutral to slightly alkaline soil, but will protest if planted in very acidic soil, below 6.0 in pH.
Wall germander is native to rocky areas around the Mediterranean basin, so it will thrive under similar conditions. This plant prefers relatively dry, warm conditions, and generally does not react well in rainy, humid regions. Zone 5 gardeners may need to cover the plants in winter.
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