Spanish Broom is the only variety in the genus Spartium. It originates in the Mediterranean region and also grows naturally in the Canary Islands.The plant produces a profusion of bright yellow pea-like flowers from June until August. They resemble the flowers of Genista, Cytisus canariensis, and other brooms.Each flower is borne on a short stalk along the tall flower clusters. Like the flowers, the green branching stems are characteristic of brooms.The small leaves that appear on each shoot fall soon after they become fully developed, leaving only the green stems to take over the process of photosynthesis.When planted out in a garden, Spanish Broom can reach a height of 2.4— 3m (8-10ft), with a spread of 1.8-2.4m (6-8ft). However, when grown in a container it is likely to be around 90-140cm (3-4ft).