The Cross Berry forms a shrub or small tree that grows up to 3 metres tall and 2 metres across. It will grow in full sun or in dappled shade and is usually evergreen (but deciduous under certain conditions). It bears lilac-pink flowers followed by four-lobed fruits (resembling miniature hot cross buns) that may stay on the plants for months.
Lavender Starflowers Care
Grewia Occidentalis Cross-berry

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How to Care for the Plant
Lavender star flower suffers during prolonged periods of hot, dry weather. Provide supplemental watering during these periods to ensure its proper growth.
The amount of pruning a lavender star flower plant gets will determine its form and shape. Yearly pruning in the fall, once the plant finishes flowering, generally controls the plant's size. Remove broken, damaged and diseased branches first to eliminate problem areas and prepare the tree for further shaping.
Fertilizing the tree every three months throughout the growing season with a 10-​30-10 slow-release fertilizer will provide sufficient nutrients.
Lavender star flower performs best in full sunlight but tolerates partial shade.
Best grown in fertile, organically rich, continuously moist to boggy soils.
60-80°F (16-27°C). Not frost resistant.
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