A breathtaking and most desirable palm for the tropics, native to the beautiful Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. Its large, undivided leaves, at least 2 m (7 ft.) long by 1 m (3 ft.) wide are a show in any garden. While young plants are quite spiny, older plants lose this protection. Seeds are rarely available.
Borsig Palm Care
Phoenicophorium Borsigianum

The leaves of the thief palm provide shelter for geckos and invertebrates as the pleated surface acts as an effective litter trap thus providing cover for small animals. Locals use the large, dried leaves for thatching.
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How to Care for the Plant
It prefers adequate moisture to look its best, but is capable of withstanding periods of drought. Don't let sit in water. Indoor, potted palms should not be over-watered.
Need a perfect fertilizer diet including all micro nutrients and trace elements three times a year if not grown in rich soil.
Likes a sunny or half-shaded, sheltered position. If home-grown, give some sun as with most tropical palms. Although a plant of the deep rainforest, it can stand almost full sun from quite an early age.
It has a fibrous root system and benefits from deep organic, soils that are fertile as long as they are well drained.
This palm is tender and is suited for tropical or subtropical climates, and not like cold. Seedling growth arrests below 15° C.
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