Philodendron 'Majesty' is one of the few really dark leaf Philodendron hybrids around. It is a climber and produces very dark leaves in bright light. The leaves are hastate and a bit sharp and narrow. Usually 8 inches long and 3 to 4 inches wide. As the leaves age they turn a dark green to maroon depending on the about of light they get. Plants should be given a totem to climb and kept warm.
Black Majesty Care
Philodendron 'majesty'

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How to Care for the Plant
Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light.
Philodendrons are water-loving plants and they love moisture in their soil and the air around them. They appreciate any extra efforts made to increase the humidity.
You can fertilize your plants every week, according to its individual needs. You don’t want to over-feed the plant because that can damage its roots. Feeding frequency can be decreased during winters as the plant is in its “resting phase” so it does not need any food. In these months, fertilizing once a month is enough. However, remember to not use cheap fertilizers for this purpose. Salts in low-quality plant food can kill the poor creature in the long run.
Thrives in medium indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.
When it comes to the soil needs, a well-draining, rich organic soil is ideal for a Philodendron Subhastatum plant. It should be a mixture of loam, sand, and peat, all in equal portions. You can also use compost as a soil amendment. A soil with slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH (5-8) is preferred. Make sure that the soil is well-drained and does not hold water.
Average home temperature of 65°F-75°F. It’s best not to let it go below 60°F.
All parts of plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, an irritant to the mouth and esophagus
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