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Sedum Lucidum Obesum Care

Sedum Lucidum 'obesum'

Sedum Lucidum Obesum main
Sedum Lucidum Obesum 0
Sedum Lucidum Obesum 1
What is the plant

Sedum lucidum 'Obesum'is a cultivar with fatter,rounder,glossy freen leaves that take on an awesome cherry-red color in full sun.It is a compact very smooth and shining succulent plant up to 18 inches(45 cm)tall.The flowers are white,yellow-centered,star-shaped and appear from late fall to early spring.

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Full Sun



10°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

9a - 11b




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Sedums are able to tolerate extended dry periods and survive drought without the need for watering, but they will grow stronger if they receive adequate moisture during their growing season, but never allowing the plant to remain waterlogged (root rot sensitive). Avoid overhead watering under humid conditions, especially during winter.

  • Fertilizer


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    Slow release fertilisers with a low to moderate nitrogen content incorporated into the potting mix are usually adequate for the spring and summer growing seasons of Sedums, and additional fertiliser applications would not normally be required until spring.

  • Sunlight


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    It prefers likes a full sun position or light shade with ample airflow. Bright light is required to prevent "stretching" of Sedums / However, when moving plants from lower light conditions into full sun, be wary of sun scorch resulting from too rapid a transition into intense summer sunlight, most easily avoided by ensuring plants are well-watered before moving them on a cloudy day.

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  • Soil


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    It is essential in cultivation to use a very porous soil, which will allow quick drainage. Sedums are shallow rooted plants, and therefore benefit from good levels of organic matter in the soil. Give it enough root space for optimum growth.

  • Temperature


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    Though not terrifically cold-hardy, it can take overnight temperatures to -3 C however, the ideal temperature range during the summer growing season is 5-25°C, with the cooler autumn temperatures tending to make their foliage colours become more intense than those of the active summer growing season.

  • Popularity


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    19 people already have this plant 10 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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