Botanically, Dasylirion serratifolium is a species of Sotol from southern Mexico. However, in cultivation it is more of a 'catch-all' name for a mixed group of hybrids that have green leaves with toothed margins and terminal tufts. For all practical purposes this is unimportant to anyone other than a dasylirion specialist - in the garden they make a stunning focal point for the arid border along with Yucca, Nolina, Agave and Chamaerops with their fine-leafed 'fibre-optic lamp' appearance that contrasts well with other spiky plants. Alternatively their shape is perfect for pot culture, when they can be taken under glass for winter.
Leaves of this plant are used in popular culture to make baskets, hats and strings. Sandpaper sotol and some other plants from the same family are used in making a liqueur called Sotol.