Gaultheria hispidula, is an evergreen fast-growing, prostrate shrub commonly known as the creeping snowberry. A useful fast growing ground cover plant for shady positions. The fruit is pleasantly acid and refreshing, with a delicate flavour of wintergreen. An agreeable sub-acid taste, similar to G. shallon. They can be made into delicious preserves. The fruit is about 6mm in diameter. Both the fruit and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. The leaves are used to make a tea. A mild flavour of wintergreen. Said to be superior to china tea.
Creeping Snowberry Care
Gaultheria Hispidula

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the soil fairly moist, watering when the top 1/2 inch of potting mix is dry to the touch.
Pruning is not required for the first three years.
Fertilizing is seldom necessary.
To keep Wintergreen happy indoors, give it bright light but little direct sun. It can tolerate only 1-2 hours of direct sun early or late in the day.
Prefers a moist but not boggy humus rich soil in shade or semi-shade. A peat and moisture loving species, it requires a lime-free soil
Wintergreen prefers cool temperatures of about 60-70°F.
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