Balsam apple is a perennial climbing plant producing annual stems that can grow up to 5 metres long from a tuberous perennial rootstock. The stems sometimes sprawl over the ground, but can also support themselves on other plants by means of tendrils.The plant is cultivated on a small scale in almost all tropical areas as a vegetable and medicinal plant
Balsam-apple Care
Momordica Balsamina

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the bitter melons' soil consistently moist, but not soggy, to a depth of about 20 inches during the plants' growing period.
Fertilize each bitter melon plant when it has six leaves and every two weeks thereafter during the growing season. Use a fertilizer designed for fruiting vines, and follow the fertilizer package's directions on how much fertilizer to use for your planting bed's size.
Select a warm, sunny planting location with soil that drains well.
Bitter melon grows best in rich, sandy or loamy soil with an average pH level of about 6.5 but adapts to soil with a pH level as high as 8.
The plant seems to be at least somewhat frost hardy
Although reported to be edible, the ripe fruits have also been reported to cause vomiting and diarrhoea, and can be poisonous
Traditional medicinal use of this plant is widespread and diverse. The more common and widespread uses are as follows: The fruits, seeds and leaves are anthelmintic.The leaves are used as a treatment against fever and excessive uterine bleeding, and to treat syphilis, rheumatism, hepatitis and skin disorders.The plant is emetic, purgative and vermifuge.
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