The Showy Orchis is a low growing orchid with long basal leaves. The flower is quite beautiful and simplistic. It has two parts. The upper part is composed of a sepal and a petal joining to form a kind of hood which is in the color of lavender or pink. The lower part forms the lip of the flower.
Showy Orchid Care
Galearis Spectabilis

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How to Care for the Plant
Water often enough to keep the soil moist. Soak the soil completely with each watering and allow the top two inches of soil dry out before the next one. For container plants, let the excess water run out the bottom of the container.
Fertilize the Showy orchid with a fertilizer especially made for orchids or with organic ingredients, such as fish emulsion. Follow the fertilizer label directions carefully. In general, fertilizer should be applied every two weeks throughout the growing season. Alternatively, work a time-release fertilizer directly into the soil once at the beginning of the growing season. In any case, do not over-fertilize, as it can damage the plant.
Plant or place the potted Showy orchid in partial shade. Only consistent, filtered, dappled sunlight should reach it.
Prepare a planting soil by mixing 1 part perlite, 1 part charcoal, 3 parts coarse sand and 3 parts peat.
For container plants, choose a pot that is only large enough to accommodate the roots for 2 years. The pot should have drainage holes in the bottom and sides.
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