Philodendron lemon lime is a common indoor plant. It is admired for its attractive, lime green colored, heart-shaped leaves and low maintenance growth habit. An average leaf may get 5 to 8 inches long and 2 to 3 cm wide in indoors while they can grow much bigger in open spaces. It is a perennial, prolific grower with long dangling vines. The philodendron Lemon lime belongs to genus Philodendron and family Araceae.In this article we will highlight important features of Philodendron lemon lime plant and an introduction to the members of genus Philodendron.
Lemon Lime Philodendron Care
Philodendron Hederaceum 'lemon Lime'

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How to Care for the Plant
Summer is a time when your philodendron needs a most water. A plant is actively growing and a hot weather means that water will evaporate quickly from a plant’s pot. Make sure to check your plant daily and give it water as often as necessary. A deep drink once or twice a week should be enough to keep your plant happy.
To prune a plant to encourage bushy new growth, snip off the dominant buds on select stems, staggering the cuts to encourage varied growth.
Mix the recommended amount of liquid fertilizer and water in a watering can. Then simply pour the mix into the soil as if you're watering the plant.
Give the plants a break during the hot summer sun and place them in a partial shade.
Your Philodendron Lemon Lime will grow well in temperatures between 65-80 degrees during the day and above 55 degrees at night. Keep it away from drafts, especially during the winter months.
Container should provide ample drainage and room for growth. It actually responds very well to slight crowding, however, so with each repotting you should move it to a container that is only a little bit larger.
Philodendron leaves are toxic to pets and humans. Typically, ingestion will result in swelling of the lips and tongue, and stomach irritation with possible vomiting.
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